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Tuesday 18 June 2013

Kabasaran Dance. rooster fight!

recently i've been intrigued by Kabasaran Dance.
the traditional dance from the land of birth of mine. M i n a h a s a.
actually Minahasa is an ethnic group located in North Sulawesi.

uhmm...okay, lemme explain..
Minahasa Raya is the area covering Bitung City, Manado City, Tomohon City, Minahasa Regency, North Minahasa Regency, South Minahasa Regency and Southeast Minahasa Regency, which are altogether seven of the fifteen regional administrations in the province of North Sulawesi, Indonesia.
wakaru? :P

sooo, i've never noticed it before. in fact, i've grown up seing it in every easter parade, flower parade which held in  Tomohon, and in every parade my hometown Manado ever held.
FYI, Manado is the Capital of the North Sulawesi Province. and Tomohon is the city nearby.

when i was a child , the Dance itself always scared me , giving me creeps. because these guys dance while giving a scary glare.hahha
but now, i'm not scared anymore of course.

i even once took a picture with them. hahah.
too bad i think i forgot where's that picture.

no picture = hoax.
i know.
my bad.

So, this dance is about rooster. fighting.

rooster fight is a common thing in Indonesia.
for indonesian, esp those who lives in the village,
this fight is a better watching than smackdown.

if you see this picture below, you can fancy that those guys are rooster.
but they are not.
they're dressed like a rooster.
and dance like a fighting R!
magnificent eh.

these guys dancing with bright red clothes, the eyes bulging and wide open, a ferrocious face, accompanied by tambours while carrying a sword and sharp spear, make the kabasaran dance much different from other dances in Indonesia which usually are performed with a smile and loose and graceful movements......

all that i can say is that i really like their costum. 
so red. so powerfull.
the way they dance, with anger.
there are even kabasaran kids dancer. and it's funny to see how those kids dance.
with a trying-all-out-to-be-serious- face of rage. 
and pride.

hopefully this dance will survive amid the onslaught of outside modern dances , such as k-pop dance, gangnam style with it's horse dance, shuffle (which is a great dance too) and the list goes on and on and on..


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