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Saturday 14 July 2012

Hello Batavia...

Hello Batavia

10 january 2012. saya tiba di Jekardaaaa….
11 january 2012. 9. Am. Langsung interview.
11 am. Langsung kerja. Eeeeeee??!!

Ya begitulah. Sampai sekarang masih bekerja, dan tak sempat mengalami liburan yang pantas sepantasnya buat anak yang baru lulus sarjana. Hikss…
It’s not that I’m being tukang mengeluh (in fact I am ryte now =P).
It’s just that liburannya masih tagantong cuyyyy….. hahaha..
But it’s okey.

I am really such a blessed girl. So thankful for what God has done for me :’)
Lulus kuliah, langsung dipanggil kerja,
pulang pergi kantornya memang lumayan perjuangan juga, tapi syukurlah Bossman orangnya super weird. And I like weird people. Ehe.

Besides, He put someone with me here. Someone yang bener-bener exceed my expectations.
He’s such a lovely office mate. But weird. Told ya, I like weird people. ;3
Next time I’ll describe him dengan pendekatan yang lebih intim. Fufufufufu…

Spaghetti please.



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