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Friday 16 August 2013

so many books.... so little time.

that was a quote from Frank Zappa.

didn't know? wah itu sih DL. :p

well, previously i have wrote about one of my favourite book of all time.
it's Between Heaven and Hell by Peter Kreeft.

so this time i'm going to share about my reading avid.
i am an specific omnireader.
why is that?
because i'm not a greedy reader.

not all books in this world is good to be read.
not all books have a good story.
and most importantly,
please kindly find the title of this post.

so many books.
so little time.
that's why.

coose your books wisely.
the chosen ones has to be worth your time.

i love almost all genres.
because everybooks has it's own magic.
but sometimes you end up with a bad one.or even the black one. or worst, boring one.
which no good for your soul.
so far the books that i have read are mostly in 2 genres, it is fiction and religion.

of all the genre, i love fiction the most.
i love how it consumed my mind.
and let my imagination swim through the story.
and the after effect i got.
the most awesome fiction story i have ever read was in One Piece.
someday i will wrote about that manga. i still need tttt-time.hehe.

and then there is religious genre.
my soul is always sooo craving of all religious books.
all of argumentation and sorts.
i need and have and eager to know the God i worship.
Who is He?
Where is He?
What  is He doing now?
Is He watching over me now?
All the time?
and, Why does He is so in love with me?
all these questions requires an answers.
i got it all in the Bible of course.
still i need more informations.
and i will share the informations i got. later. ehe.

i used to wrapped all my books in plastic cover.
even paper cover.
but now i never had a time to do that.
i'm so busy with my works.

oh time again.
now i got more money to buy books but less time to read it.


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