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Friday 16 August 2013

so many books.... so little time.

that was a quote from Frank Zappa.

didn't know? wah itu sih DL. :p

well, previously i have wrote about one of my favourite book of all time.
it's Between Heaven and Hell by Peter Kreeft.

so this time i'm going to share about my reading avid.
i am an specific omnireader.
why is that?
because i'm not a greedy reader.

not all books in this world is good to be read.
not all books have a good story.
and most importantly,
please kindly find the title of this post.

so many books.
so little time.
that's why.

coose your books wisely.
the chosen ones has to be worth your time.

i love almost all genres.
because everybooks has it's own magic.
but sometimes you end up with a bad one.or even the black one. or worst, boring one.
which no good for your soul.
so far the books that i have read are mostly in 2 genres, it is fiction and religion.

of all the genre, i love fiction the most.
i love how it consumed my mind.
and let my imagination swim through the story.
and the after effect i got.
the most awesome fiction story i have ever read was in One Piece.
someday i will wrote about that manga. i still need tttt-time.hehe.

and then there is religious genre.
my soul is always sooo craving of all religious books.
all of argumentation and sorts.
i need and have and eager to know the God i worship.
Who is He?
Where is He?
What  is He doing now?
Is He watching over me now?
All the time?
and, Why does He is so in love with me?
all these questions requires an answers.
i got it all in the Bible of course.
still i need more informations.
and i will share the informations i got. later. ehe.

i used to wrapped all my books in plastic cover.
even paper cover.
but now i never had a time to do that.
i'm so busy with my works.

oh time again.
now i got more money to buy books but less time to read it.

Thursday 15 August 2013


Praise to the Almighty Lord.
i have reached one of my happiness goal this year.
i went to Bali.!! wuhuwwwwww...xD
actually, in this zomervakantie, i have grabbed 3 goals at once. trololol

that was a short-lived joy. :'D

well, i know i'm not a good story teller.
but i haveeee to tell this.
since i'm so happy.

so, we went to makassar first.

first impressions :
the airport is hugeeeeee.
but it was a crowded and dustyyy city.
thanks to Trans studio and Losari,
i had a pretty much fun there during my 3 nights stay.

oh ya, if you go to trans studio, try this..
this is the best game in trans studio.
it's scarier than kora-kora in Dufan if i may say.
forgot the name tough ._.

and we tried pork noodle too. also known as pork bakmie.

i ordered a half bowl, but i couldn't finished it. becauseeee, it was a large portion for a half one. wkwkwk.

 the picture above is taken in losari. we tried to look like the statue. hope we did it. haha.
okay then, thanks Makassar, for the fast trip. it still didn't impressed me much.
maybe i should go to Toraja oneday to be impressed. =P


to my full excitement of heart.
tho i was so so exhausted from my vacation in makassar.
we arrived in B A L I

first imression?
i don't need one

my passion rate was then escalated to level 9000 alreadehh !
caucasians everywhere. *n*

i can't take my eyes off in legian street.
and luckily we stayed in poppies lane.
because it's in the heart of Kuta district.
ahhahhaa. i love it.

but but but, butt.popayy!.
it was a bad night in SariJaya homestay. T_T
was a really a bad choice.
very not recommended.
the homestay responsible person which is si Mbak is a very kind person tho.
too bad the room is smelly and has a bad furniture.not to mention the bathroom -_-.
so, by day 2 we moved out to Waringin homestay.
and it's a little lovely homestay.
i like it and i'm missing it now. buhuh.

during my 1 week vacation,
we went to ..
the sukowati. - good place to buy souvenirs. it has a cheaper price.( thank to my bidding skill :p )
waterboom. - a good place to chill out. wkwkwkw . very affordable ticket price. except the towel and locker price.

we tried boomerang, lazy river, and all water slide include this one below. C L I M A X!

i was trembling with excitement and fear in a queue line. hahahhaa.
but finally i did it.
and it was worth it.

oh, except this one

s m a s h d o w n.

next time buddy.
right now i have no guts to conquer you.

then, off to....
tanah lot.
Jimbaran .

and to the climax we went to skygarden and bounty.

it's the second time i went to the night club. first time was in my college party ( it's for Architecture's sake tough) ahahhah
and this time i even tried drink highballs such as whiskey cola, mojito and long island.
tasted sucks, but well, i had to try it .
and it made me really really sleepy.
and in bounty i even tried tequila too.blah.

actually in bounty i had a nice mixed bag experience.
i met someone. hihih.
his name is Taylor.
he's an beardy american tourist. ehe.
when we were about to go home.i was a bit startled when he came and asked my name.
and then we started, well, just an idle chit chat about who, where, when and what.
but as we strolling back to the exit gate, to my perplexed, my friend grabbed my hands and told that we have to go home. separated way.
i had to say goodbye to taylor.
i even had not asked his email addres. T_T
that was really a regretable turn of events.

it's okay, i have to move on. eaaa..
tho i still have the feeling that it wasn't just a fluke that he came to me.wuhuuuwww.
get a rid of yourself shor.

ok sip.
over all, Bali is a really really nice place.
i like the weather. it's warm like Manado.
and the architecture is breath-taking.
so beautiful.
got me awe-stricken in every place i visited.
every house has it's own temple.
and it's getting prettier as the house getting bigger.
and the ornaments in every house is really really superb.
one day, my house will be like that.
a mixed architecture of Japanesse style and Bali style.hahha.
i like the concept of the house that seems levitating in terms of the living room.
with the 'Bale' and the view of pouring water in a bamboo fountain.
and  a parquet flooring.
oh, who wouldn't like that?!
i like that!.
all things about wood is always been fascinating *,*

one day i have to go there again.
c'mon , i haven't tried watersport!

it was such a g;prious twirl of time.
to God be thanked for the whoooping experience i had in 19-28 of July 2013.
i am really really Blessed.

till then,
B a l i.

got my eyes on you, smashdown. MUAHAHAhaha...