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Thursday, 26 September 2013

soap bar ( untukyangrajinmandi+ )

sabun batang.

sudahkah anda makan sabun hari ini?
saya minum duaaa!
wkwkwk. xP

- bagi yang nggak doyan mandi, maaf artikel in tidak cocok untuk anda.-

well, as we all know, tiap mandi itu kita pasti pakai sabun. and can you imagine how many soap we all use each year?
i can't!
(kalo udah tau tolong kasih tau saya ).

sebagai bagian dari generasi 90-an.
dimana era sabun cair masih sedikit digunakan oleh orang seperti saya , dan masih merupakan barang yang hanya dipakai oleh orang-orang kaya. ( :P )
saya menghimbau buat angkatan-angkatan yang gaul-gaul  non-automatic untuk menginspirasi angkatan-angkatan yang udah automatic buat pake sabun batang instead of sabun cair.

berikut sedikit ringkasan sabun cair vs sabun batang dari beberapa artikel yang saya baca
( dan yang mungkin sudah pernah anda baca ),

artikel berbahasa Indonesia :
lebih cenderung membahas masalah higienisnya sabun batang yang masih kalah sama sabun cair. karena ada kemungkinan wadah tempat sabun menjadi kotor.

artikel berbahasa Inggris :
lebih condong kepada cost atau biaya pemakaian sabun batang yang jauh lebih murah dibandingkan memakai sabun cair untuk sekali shower. ( $  0.012 vs $ 0.29  )


all i'm saying now,  is not about the money. it's about the passion.heheh.
maksudnya adalah,
kalo masalah uang, emang berapa sih buat beli sabun cair.
kalo masalah higienis dan tidaknya, itu kembali lagi ke disiplin pribadi.
if you want moisturizer, go get some body lotions.

tapi post kali ini adalah soal kesadaran kita, untuk ga terbiasa manja dan lebih peduli lagi lah sama lingkungan.

here's some good reasons i can provide,
  • kebanyakan sabun batang itu dikemas menggunakan kertas. so, lebih ramah lingkungan. i'm sick of all those plastics packaging. saya bahkan berharap shampoo juga ada yang batangan, coba bayangin sampah botol shampoo yang kita hasilkan tiap tahun. dikali 7 milyar penduduk bumi. x,x
  • sabun batang lebih murah, bersih dan tahan lama ( bisa sampai 25 kali dipake shower )
  • besides, soap bar has a lot of cool designs.
  • lebih hemat. ( okay, i have to mention this anyway ). how?? take a look at this.
     i knew there's someone out there use this metode too . LOL

    how about that?
    convinced or not.
    at least i have tried.
    let's make the world a better place.

    alright then,

    saya dengan bangga mengajak kita semua untuk melestarikan penggunaan pemakaian sabun batang. MERDEKA!

Tuesday, 3 September 2013

paper passion. !

have you ever smell the scent of a newly printed books?
it is sooo delicious....
and my fiend just told me about this newly launched perfume called,

pa p e r p a s s i o n.


i was a lil bit shocked and excited at the same time.
i was scarcely couldn't believe it.hahaha.

here's the packaging of the perfume,

Paper Passion fragrance by Geza Schoen, Gerhard Steidl , and Wallpaper* magazine, with packaging by Karl Lagerfeld and Steidl. 

"This tells the story of a passion and a twisting plot to put the particular bouquet of freshly printed books in a bottle. Gerhard Steidl was first alerted to the importance of the smell of a book by Karl Lagerfeld, prompting a passion for paper and the composition of a scent on the pages of a book.

This is an opportunity to celebrate all the gloriosensuality of books, at a time when many in the industry are turning against them. The idea is that is should relax you, like when you read a book, to a level of meditation and concentration. Paper Passion has evolved into something quite beautiful and unique. To wear the smell of a book is something very chic. Books are players in the intellectual world, but also in the world of luxury. "  ( lucky scent  )

is so true.

first thing to do when you just bought a new book is to smell it.
feel the contour of the paper in your skin and the scent's sooo yummy!
you can almost feel the excitement of the soon-to-be-read story that eager for your eyes and mind's attention.

oh my.. i want this perfume. hope it will come to Indonesia soon.

“The smell of a freshly printed book is the best smell in the world.” Karl Lagerfeld